This White Paper is an electrifying exploration of the intricacies of a political watershed moment that may redefine Germany's future. This whitepaper unearths the concealed threads of a leaked draft law, paving the way for a potential shift in Germany's longstanding legal stances. It delves deep into the implications, exploring how the law might reshape society, the economy, and the international image of the country.
"We will know more in Q4 this year about timing - right after the summer break!"
Lawyer at DENTONS
Over a period of more than two years, Peter Homberg, as Partner and Head of the European Cannabis Sector Group at Dentons, has been providing monthly updates to the European cannabis industry on the last Thursday of every month within 20 min as a DEEP-DIVE on a certain topic.
We just sent you an Email with the White Paper. We hope you like it!