DEEP-DIVE Outlook - What does 2024 have in store for the cannabis industry?

The outlook for the cannabis industry in 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year, especially with significant developments such as the potential legalization of cannabis in Germany. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach's advocacy for the Cannabis Act, expected to be passed by the Bundestag in February and come into force in April, marks a notable policy shift. This move could position Germany as a leading nation in Europe regarding cannabis legalization, potentially influencing broader trends across the continent!

We will see (maybe) a slight delay but the legalization in April!

Peter Homberg

Lawyer at DENTONS

Our agenda in this DEEP-DIVE

That was our agenda at our DEEP-DIVE - reach out if you want to have the full presentation! 

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Want to see all DEEP-DIVES with Peter Homberg?

Over a period of more than two years, Peter Homberg, as Partner and Head of the European Cannabis Sector Group at Dentons, has been providing monthly updates to the European cannabis industry on the last Thursday of every month within 20 min as a DEEP-DIVE on a certain topic.