Watch the recording for an in-depth analysis of the latest legal advancements in Germany's cannabis framework. This session offers a comprehensive dive into the Second Pillar of legalization, focusing on the role of cannabis clubs and home cultivation rights. We explore how these developments will shape the regulatory landscape and what they mean for operators and consumers alike.
In addition, we touch upon the forthcoming Third Pillar, which could pave the way for regulated commercial sales, further expanding the market. Our expert Peter Homberg will guide you through the key provisions, the potential business opportunities, and the evolving legal framework, including new cultivation standards and consumer rights.
"The Second Pillar is a pivotal step toward a regulated cannabis market, introducing cannabis clubs and personal cultivation. The Third Pillar, focusing on commercial sales, will unlock significant opportunities for businesses."
Lawyer at DENTONS
Over a period of more than two years, Peter Homberg, as Partner and Head of the European Cannabis Sector Group at Dentons, has been providing monthly updates to the European cannabis industry on the last Thursday of every month within 20 min as a DEEP-DIVE on a certain topic.
Happy watching!